Monday, February 11, 2013

To Honor

The definition of Honor is....
High respect, as that shown for special merit; esteem
    These past four weeks have been one of the hardest I have had to face in a really long time.  On January 14th my mom had a stroke and from that day on things have changed.  My mom and I have had our ups and downs and we don't always see eye to eye but she is my mom and I love her very much.

    She spent one week in the hospital and one week in a rehab home. During this time my Brother Erik and my Sister Roquel and I all sat together trying to figure out how are we going to adjust to my moms new way of life. We divided up responsibilities and discussed what we needed to do. I am so thankful for my brother and sister and their strength!  This stroke has left her weak, and her sight is not the best.  She can no longer live alone or drive.  She needs assistants showering, and getting dressed and taking her meds and getting her meals prepared.
     When she was released from the CareHouse Rehab my Uncle Sam and Aunt Lilly opened their home to my mom for four weeks and what a blessing for us. During those four weeks we were going to make a plan for my mom. On the way home from getting my mom settled in to my Uncle's home the Lord spoke to me.   He asked me to Honor my mom.  He said, "you will Honor your mom and bring her into your home."  "WHAT LORD?" I didn't know if I was hearing him right. I said,"Lord may I remind you that I live in a two bedroom condo and where would she stay and also I love my comfy home and it's great with just the four of us!" Again I heard him say. "Honor your mother and obey me." I said back to the Lord, " Oh my goodness I hear you Lord and I will obey you, but God you will have to speak to Jimmy."  The next Day Jimmy called me and told me that he thinks that we need to move my mom in with us. I started to cry.  I knew that it was from God.  So as I shared with Jimmy what God spoke to me he told me your mom is not an inconvenience she is your mom and we will respect her.  He said, "Chela if this was my mom I sure hope you would show me and my mom the same respect."  I feel so blessed to have such an amazing husband.  For a few days I pondered over this.  I didn't tell my sister or my brother.  I actually didn't tell anyone.  Then when I was with my mom and I was giving her a shower and helping her with lotion and rubbing her feet the Lord showed me the picture of him washing the disciples feet a he was telling me that he has called me to serve my mother.  I saw the picture clearly and I was excited to see what God had before me.  

    So here we are to today and my mom is now with us.  Some unexpected things happened  and she has moved in two weeks early.  I was overwhelmed and not ready for it yet.  Yes I will be honest.  I WAS NOT READY!  I have spent a lot of time with God asking him to give me strength and wisdom in this time.  I know that while having her here my children will learn what it is like to serve and to take care of our family members. I have learned that being obedient to God is not always easy.  I even said that to GOD! THIS IS NOT EASY!!! But I will serve my mom! I will Honor my mom.  It is one of the ten commandments to HONOR your FATHER AND MOTHER. Today is Monday and I am looking at my Schedule and I have shoots, I have the kids schedules, I have church events and the house to maintain.  I know that I can do this.  It's teaching me to be wise with my time.  To live a much more scheduled life and to make everyday count and to only do it one day at a time and to totally Stand on God's word and strength! Thank you all for your prayers and treats and gifts and words.  I know that we are not in this new Journey alone.  You all are a blessing to us!   

Prayer Request:
Pray for a bigger home for us at the right time
Time for Jimmy and I 
Time for the kids and I 


1 comment:

  1. Chela,
    I have been in your shoes, and God does call us to honor our parents. Just as you can't imagine the love you can have for kids...until you have your own, it's hard to imagine the care parents' need until we enter the age and time in our lives where we need to CARE for them. As all children are different, so it goes with parents. Having support when you are raising your children is a definite blessing. The same is true during the sunset years of parents. I couldn't have gotten through it without the love and understanding of Steve, my husband, and the help from a few very close friends. I want you to know you are not alone, and this is a season you are called to go through. Someday you will have all the time in the world to spend with your husband and children, again, but you will miss the time with your matter how hard it is now. I pray for you and your family in all things. Please feel that you can call on me if there is anything I can do. Love, in Christ, Joan
