Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rest, Be still, and Rest

WOW!!! As I have been working on my New Goals for the new year I kept asking God what does he want me to focus on.  I kept asking and what kept coming back was rest, be still, slow down, enjoy the season! For those of you who know me well I GO all day long. I always have a long list of things to do and so many things I need to get done.  It may be school projects, or extra things out of school for the kids or way to many photo shoots scheduled on a already crazy day,  or just playing around on the computer or just cramming to much into a week.  As I sat down yesterday to have my quiet time I came across a book that I bought a while ago and just have not started it yet.  So I felt like this would be the season that I use it in my quiet times.  So as I opened the first chapter it is on resting! WOW really Lord I hear you!  I love how the author explains how us moms can get in this Routine of" Hurry up kids we have to get to the next thing." I was guilty of that.  I want to get all that I can in my day but at pace that I can fully enjoy it.  I love what the Author says here.
God will give every mom the Resources she needs to accomplish what he wants for her to do. In the meantime he says our over scheduled, undernourished lives get us nowhere- nowhere near his ideal for us.  Even as we sleep, cannot God who knows us inside out produce wisdom, rest, creativity and solutions if we rest in his provisions, not our own.

 Rebecca Barlow Jordan
I loved that.  It said it all for me.  I know that I just need to stop and not HURRY to the next thing and to the next and next.  Just make it to what I can and enjoy that time that I am there.  I also thought that it was so awesome  when I opened  my Bible and maybe God just wanted to bring it home with me about resting, but when I opened my bible to my devotion for the new year it was titled Rest and Receive.  AMEN! I do Lord I am resting and receiving what you have before me for the new year.  Last year I feel  it was a year of restoration and healing, and eye opening year to what God has before me and us as a family.  I am loving my quieter time and I am loving the pace of the day.  I want to gain more time in my relationship with others and my time where God has asked me to spend it.  
"It's useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don't you know that he enjoys giving rest to those he loves?"
Psalm 127:2
Blessings in your New Year!

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